Realme 3 Pro is finally hitting a total of 8000 offline stores in India. Realme India has announced that they will be making the device available offline starting 28th May. However, the Pre-order starts today (25th May) & will go on up to 27th May. The prices have been kept exactly the same but, only…
Remember, how the Chinese version of the Redmi Note 7 didn’t make its way to India? Instead, Xiaomi brought a slightly downgraded version that was running a lower-res & quality main camera sensor. Well, that model didn’t seem to attract the Indian consumers as much as it’s Pro variant. So, Xiaomi is trying to fill…
As a result of the recent US government ban, Huawei has already lost its access to Android. This means, there will be no Android software updates coming to the existing Huawei Phones. So, current users around the world, now need to wait for Huawei to resolve this problem somehow but, we’re not sure if they…
Realme will have another popup event but, unlike last time this one is focused on the Realme C2. The Realme C2 is for the people who are looking for a super budget-friendly phone & are probably upgrading from a feature phone. That is what the Pop-up event is about. If you live in Delhi or…
ASUS just announced its 2019 Zenfone flagship in Valencia, Spain. The new Zenfone 6 keeps the necessary, ditches some of the new gen luxuries and brings a few perks of its own. Although you would think that it’ll be targeted to be a competitor of the OnePlus 7 Pro but, it actually kinda competes the…
The Realme X is finally here it’s almost everything we have expected. But, I need to make one thing clear first. It’s not a Flagship device by any means. But, it’s quite a step-up from what we’ve come to expect from Realme. It has a beautiful AMOLED display, an under-display fingerprint scanner, a pop-up selfie…